A tense jaw can interrupt your day by causing tightness and leading to other areas of pain and discomfort. Jaw pain can affect the entire head, neck and ears. If you are experiencing symptoms of TMD, your dentist can examine your jaw and help you determine the best possible treatment to relieve your pain and heal your jaw. TMD stands for Temporomandibular disorder. This disorder begins with the jaw joint and spreads pain throughout other areas. TMD occurs when upper and lower teeth, and the muscles that control the jaw are not working properly.
Symptoms of TMD may include:
- Pain in the ears, face, neck or jaw
- Difficulty chewing
- Toothache
- Popping or locking jaw
- Headaches, sometimes migraines
- Muscle spasms
- Tired feeling in your face
- Swelling on side of face
If you are experiencing TMD, we can help! Treatments include Occlusal or TMJ Splints and Migraine Therapy. By examining your jaw, your dentist can help determine the best possible treatment to help you find relief. At times, home exercises may help as well. Your dentist can go over your symptoms, help relieve your pain and begin the process of eliminating your TMD.
Occlusal or TMJ Splints
These splints are specially-designed mouthguards to help with teeth grinding and other jaw issues. This splint helps in protecting the mouth from habits that have developed that are harming the teeth or jaw. Splints also help support the chewing muscles and the jaw joints.
Migraine Therapy
Special mouthguards can also be used if you have consistent migraines. The clenching motion involved in TMD can lead to headaches, including migraines. By releasing the clenching action and allowing the muscles and face to relax, these mouthguards can help relieve migraines and allow the jaw to heal.
If you are experiencing symptoms of TMD, call our office today to get relief from your pain! Let your dentist give you the best solutions for treating the side-effects caused by TMD.