Prevention is one of the best ways to care for your smile. Faithfully visiting your dentist will help you avoid dental emergencies by treating dental problems early. Some patients dread visiting their dentist, so they avoid visits as much as possible. Putting off dental visits will not help your smile, only hurt it. Leaving a smile untreated can lead to unnecessary tooth decay and other issues. Do your entire family a favor and visit your dentist on a regular basis!
At a standard dental check-up, your hygienist will thoroughly clean your teeth, your dentist will examine your teeth and x-rays will be taken. Your dentist will then go over a personalized treatment plan including any recommended care for your smile. Dental sealants can also be applied to your back molars by your dentist. Sealants are a plastic coating that covers your molars, protecting the deep crevices and hard-to-reach areas from decay.
In addition to regular check-ups, daily dental hygiene is a must for a healthy smile! Thorough flossing and brushing will help prevent cavities and keep your smile protected from decay.
Keep your entire family’s teeth healthy by keeping up with your regular check-ups and daily dental hygiene habits! Making brushing and flossing a fun habit will help your little ones keep up on their dental health. If you are searching for a family dentist call today to set up your visit! There is room on our schedule for your entire family!